Sunday, 22 May 2016

Giving cycling through sand a go with the GoPro

I've been told so many times by everyone who completed the challenge last year that the hardest part of the whole experience was cycling along the sand trails. So, with less than three weeks till I head to Tanzania, I thought I'd better fit in a bit of sand-cycling training!

Armed with my shiny new GoPro (a fantastic surprise birthday gift last week from the family), Alex and I set off along the sandy tracks of Tentsmuir Forest and out onto the beach.

I wasn't brilliant on the sand, and I was even worse with the GoPro! But I fair enjoyed the practice with both...

Next time I'll make sure the camera's pointing up the way - then you might just be able to see more of this...

...and less of my handlebars, knees and slowly turning pedals...!

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