At lunchtime today I decided to make the most of the lovely weather. So, I pulled the bike out of the garage and set off for a wee trip to our neighbouring village for a sandwich. (One of the advantages of working from home...)
En route, I took a bit of a detour up a short local trail to an old reservoir above our village. It's not very far, but the track's quite steep, bumpy and muddy in parts. However, the sense of achievement from making it all the way up without having to stop made the effort well worth every turn of the pedals.
After a short break to draw breath by the side of the water, I set off feeling fair chuffed with myself. 'Yup, I've nailed this mountain biking lark!', I was thinking as I rode off down the track...
I was still a little bit muddy when I eventually made it to Kippen for lunch, but thankfully the lovely staff in Rhubarb Lime didn't seem to mind and I thoroughly enjoyed my sandwich before cycling back home.
Straight back home - no detours up the hill on the way back!
So, I've not quite cracked the mountain biking yet and I've clearly still got a lot to learn - but, I'm having a whole lot of fun in the process. And I'm getting really good at falling off.
I settled back down to work this afternoon feeling all the better for my splash in the mud and well-deserved sandwich.
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