
Hi, I'm Jane. Thanks for dropping by.

Like many mid-life folk, I'm trying new things, discovering new passions and spicing things up.

The new things I try aren't always for me, so sometimes I quit. But, with every new experience - whether I love it or not - I learn loads, I make new friends and I usually have some fun.

Some things though, become passions.

Like cycling.

Well, I say passion - I don't cycle most days, I don't like cycling in the rain or wind, I don't like cycling on busy roads, I don't know much about the mechanics of my bike (scrub that, I know nothing about the mechanics of my bike) and after nearly three years of cycling (usually when it's nice weather and only when the notion takes me) I still don't feel confident about fixing a puncture!

I am, therefore, a not-so-serious cyclist.

And I guess my attitude to cycling is a kind of a metaphor for my attitude to life:
Don't take it too seriously; the hills can be tough but climbing them and making it to the top is worth every difficult turn of the pedal; the straight and narrow roads can be dull/brilliant/boring/exciting - but it's the time on the straight and narrow that helps us re-charge and prepare for the next uphill struggle or downhill fun; and when you grab those handlebars, make the very very most of the ride!
I guess you could call me a lifeCyclist.

And whether you cycle or not, I hope you'll join me for the ride...


  1. Good luck with this one Jane, and it's always good to tell everyone where the nice munchies are! ;-)

    1. Thanks Gregor. Yup, I'm intending giving everywhere we munch either the thumbs up or down.. :)

  2. Good luck with this. You might also enjoy the cafes in Auchterarder - a good destination for a Sunday cycle. Your blog could easily morph into a gastronomic travelogue.

  3. Ha, thanks Colin. Yup, that's just one of many ideas for this wee blog's journey. Definitely like the idea of being a food and beer critic on my travels!
