So, for the past two days we've been sitting on a saddle rather than sitting on the sand, and what a comfy saddle it is too! Bonnie's bikes are a bit different from our bikes back home with the best thing about them being the big curly springs that attach the saddle to the bike frame. Not only do the rusty springs provide brilliant shock absorption, they also emit a nostalgic kind of squeaky noise as we pedal along. The thing I've found most difficult to get used to on Bonnie's bike is the brakes. You slow down, or brake, by pedalling backwards and there are no brake levers on the handlebars. I was doing pretty well with this system - or so I thought - until yesterday when we were cycling along a beautiful but bumpy forest trail.
I've still not had any punctures while we've been out cycling, but I have had my fair share of 'chain-off' incidents. Yesterday, unfortunately, was no exception. Fortunately I wasn't on a downhill stretch of the trail as there was no way of pedalling backwards once the chain was off the cog, i.e. I couldn't brake! The chain flew off and I couldn't figure out how to slow down. Letting my foot drag along the ground was out of the question as I was wearing thin-soled white gutties; I wasn't risking hurting my foot or wrecking the wee shoes that I'd like to last me for the rest of the holiday!
However, once we were off the trail and back onto the smooth cycle path, all was well again. Well, all was well with my chain and my braking system, but stumbling upon a military base and being ordered off our bikes was another matter altogether! But I think I'll keep that particular not-so-serious story for another time...
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