Alex, my husband, has been my right hand man since we were 15. We'd had the odd fling or two between the ages of 13 and 14, but we didn't get serious till we were the ripe old age of 15! He's my soul mate and I'd simply be lost without him. I mean, who would put my chain back on my bike, or lift it up on to the cycle rack or fix any of the punctures that I'm bound to start getting?! (Yup, still no punctures!!) And I would never have contemplated cycling around Arran that special day in July - the one that started it all - without his encouragement and his dogged determination to make the very most of things. He's just the pools.
So, after bemoaning the fact that I was struggling to figure out a way of including personalised basic maps of our rides on this wee blog - without having to worry about copyright and such things - it should've come as no surprise when I arrived home the other night to a kitchen table covered in hand drawings of map outlines. But it did! I was chuffed to bits with them and so grateful that Alex had spent so much time and effort (while I was out gallavanting) sketching them out for me. And I can't wait to start adding some details before figuring out the best way to incorporate them into the blog. I'm beginning to think this is all a bit much for a blog and maybe I should think about a website...
Before I get carried away with myself, I'll stick to bringing the maps of the routes we've already cycled up to date and figuring out the best way to utilise them here. In the meantime, here's a wee sample of the kind of thing that Alex, my wonderful Man of Many Talents, rustled up for me:
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