Thursday, 15 August 2013

Story 7: Deciding to Pedal for Scotland

A few weeks ago I googled 'cycling events in Scotland', just to see what was out there for not-so-serious cyclists. Top of the search was 'Pedal for Scotland' and, after a quick read through the details, I decided to sign up for it. The farthest I've cycled in one go so far is 32 miles, but that was during our Tour d'Arran and I think I was running on adrenalin for much of that day! The Pedal for Scotland event gives you a few different options, but the route that Alex and I have gone for is the 47 mile ride from Glasgow to Edinburgh. A few of our friends have done it in the past and I'm told that there's a great atmosphere, great camaraderie and a great sense of achievement - and I believe there are a few good munch and beer stops along the way. Sounds perfect!

I'm also going to combine the challenge of the cycle with the challenge of raising some dosh for the event's nominated charity; the STV Appeal. I'd decided a while ago that I'd like to organise, or take part in, some kind of fundraising event this year in memory of my Dad (who died twenty years ago in October) so when I discovered that this cycling event was supporting a charity that supports Scottish kids who are affected by the whole range of horrendous consequences of living in poverty, I knew I'd found the one. My dad would definitely have approved; he hated to see anyone struggling, let alone children, and strongly believed that everyone deserved a fair shot at life - and that seems to be just what the STV Appeal is all about. Ocht, and I just want to do something that'll feel special for me in memory of my very special Dad.

So, I'm now going to unashamedly plug my Just Giving page - click here! - in the hope that some of you lovely readers might be tempted to make a wee donation for something I consider to be a really worthwhile cause. (Jeeso, only seven stories in and I'm already asking for cash...!) I promise that I'll be doing my best to complete the 47 mile cycle good style and, with a little luck, will gather a few good stories to share with you along the way...!

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