Thursday, 4 February 2016

Spinning some not-so-serious stats

Well, that's January been and gone and I didn't sit on my saddle outdoors once. However, I did manage to do some other bits and bobs of training that should hopefully boost my effort to be fit enough to meet the Cycle Africa challenge in June:

  • Spinning:  14 classes (approx 11 hours of sweaty burling to the beat)
  • Other Classes: 2 Body Balance (hardly worth mentioning, but 2 hours is 2 hours!)
  • Walking: 6 Park Walks plus various other short walks (approx 22 miles of wanderings)
  • Morning Gym: 8 mornings (approx 2 hours - major fail - of creaking and cracking)
  • Turbo Trainer: em, 15 minutes... (going red in the face for listing this one, but 15 minutes is better than no minutes...!!)

So, it's not exactly elite athlete stuff, but then, I'm not an elite athlete.

And I'm not too worried that I've not been outside on my bike once yet this year (the last time was a gloriously muddy cycle on Christmas Day with Alex and Ross) - I'm paying no heed to those members of the cycling fraternity who hold the view that you're not really a cyclist unless you're out in all weathers at all times.

I guess my attitude is that if you sit on a saddle and pedal you're a cyclist - whether you do it sometimes or all the time, in nice weather or all weathers, to win races or to fetch the paper.

And, as you can see from my 'stats', my record-keeping pretty much matches my attitude to training: I seriously want to do it, but I don't want to take it too seriously.

Having said that, I've stuck my 'training calendar' up on the fridge and I'm gravitating towards the highlighter this space for a much more colourful - and maybe even a wee bit more serious - February fitness file!

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