Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Another first

There's just no stopping me this week! After venturing out on my bike on my own for the first time a few days ago, today I took another plunge into the unknown and ventured out for a cycle with someone who wasn't Alex!

Lesley is an old friend from my school days and, through the wonders of Facebook, we've re-connected after many years of, well, not having anything to do with each other. After reading about each other's cycling exploits online, she asked if I'd like to accompany her on one of her training rides (in preparation for her participation in the Rob Roy Challenge next week) and I'm so glad she did!

We cycled 32 miles along (and up and up and down..) National Cycle Route 7 from Strathyre to Killin and back. It has to be one of my favourite routes, and yesterday Lesley and I were lucky to have chosen a perfect sunny day for it. The scenery is simply stunning. From the bluebell lawns in the enchanting forests around Strathyre and Balquhidder, to the breathtaking views over Loch Earn and down into Glen Ogle and finishing with the magical Falls of Dochart in Killin. It's a route that shows you Scotland at its most beautiful best, and I absolutely love it.

Lesley and Loch Earn

Falls of Dochart
The route has some pretty challenging hills - especially one particular zig-zag killer above Loch Earn - but for every up there's a spectacular view and a fantastic down. It was the first time my old hybrid had been properly tested since its recent service - the new tyres, with much better grip, worked a treat (though I was a tad slow behind Lesley whizzing down the hills on her slicks!), the gear changes were much smoother (though I still have problems sometimes when I hit the hills and did have to deal with the chain coming off at one point - and I managed it, all by myself! Go me!), and the suspension was fantastic. My saddle, however, sadly hadn't been serviced and it squeaked, and squeaked, and squeaked ... the whole way. Lesley's mettle was well and truly tested...!

Hopefully our jaunt out today will have added something as worthwhile to Lesley's preparations for the Rob Roy Challenge (16  mile run followed by 40 mile cycle) as it has to my preparations for Cycle Africa. And hopefully the squeaking won't have put her off cycling with me again...

For those of you interested in such things, click here for today's ride's Map My Ride profile - and while you're doing that, I'm off to apply some oil to my saddle....

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