Saturday, 28 December 2013

Story 22: Giving myself a kick, with Santa's help

I still haven't been out on my bike, at all, since October so it seems a bit cheeky calling myself any kind of cyclist at the moment, never mind a not-so-serious one! The weather's been rubbish, but that's only been recently and it just seems that the longer I stay off my bike the more reasons I come up with for not getting back on it. Which is kind of weird considering how much I've loved every single cycle I've been on since I first got hooked back in July.

I actually remember this feeling well from my running days; I knew how much I loved running, but if I didn't do it for a while I simply lost my motivation. No rhyme nor reason. Getting up off my butt to go for a run just seemed to take too much effort and I would make all sorts of excuses for not putting on my trainers and stepping out the front door. Then, when I actually couldn't run any more (for health reasons) I was absolutely gutted and I rued all those days that I should've been out pounding the roads when I had both the physical ability and the opportunity to do so.

So, I'm giving myself a good kick up the backside and reminding myself that I'm lucky to be able to cycle at all. I'm determined not to let myself fall any further into a state of 'cannae be bothered-ness' and I'm sure that, with a bit of an improvement in the weather, it won't be long till I'm happily back on my saddle.

And, considering the effort that Santa and his helpers went to with my Christmas presents this year, it would be extremely rude not to....